Hello! We are M.A.C. Green Consulting, INC.
MAC GREEN CONSULTING, INC. 는 미국 서부 캘리포니아 로스앤젤레스 근교에 위치한 회사입니다. 컨설팅, 마케팅, 지사 설립 등을 지원하고, 현지 연락사무소, 현지 지사 업무 등을 대행함으로서, 수출입 업무를 통하여 한국기업의 미주 진출의 가교 역활을 하는 회사입니다. 저희 회사는 한국의 중소기업과 중견기업의 미국시장 진출을 편하게 할수있도록 지원해드립니다.
여러분들의 글로벌진출을 돕기 위한 각 분야의 전문가들이 구성된 팀입니다.
40여년의 미국생활의 풍부한 경험과 네트워킹을 바탕으로, 한인 1세와 다양한 언어에 능숙하고 마케팅을 전공한 한인 2세와 타민족(diverse team) 으로 구성된 글로벌 전문 마케팅 회사입니다.
일단, 미국진출에 성공하면, 캐나다, 멕시코, 중미와 남미 시장 진출을 도와드리며, 다양한 인종으로 구성된 팀원들이 글로벌 마케팅을 적극 추진하여 드립니다.
Based in Los Angeles, California, MAC GREEN CONSULTING, INC. is a company set on helping Korea based small and middle sized companies in entering the U.S. market. As we work in the middle, our company supports these businesses with consulting, marketing, helping to establish a branch office, and acting on behalf of local liaison and branch offices, all in hopes of easing their trade experience.
Our company consists of a diverse team ranging from several different generations of immigrants. We start off with our 1st generation Korean immigrants with over 40 years of living in the United States. Throughout these years, the members of this generation have gained countless experience and a vast networking background. Then, there are our 2nd generation team members, who are skillful in many languages and also have much experience with majoring in marketing. As a team made up of diverse backgrounds, our different experiences and expanse expertise shapes the teamwork what makes up our global marketing specialized company.
With guidance from our members, your company will advance in doing business in the United States. When your company succeeds in entering the U.S. market, you can then expand your business to markets in Canada, Mexico, and the Middle and Southern Americas. Our diverse team will help push you through the many uncertainties global marketing may have to offer.
Ann Choi
Chief Executive Officer